Sunday April 1, 2001 The meeting was called to order at 10:45 am by Paul Gibson, N1TUP, President. The minutes from the January 28, 2001 meeting were read and accepted. The Associations' Treasurer/Secretary continues to be absent. Since the current Treasurer/Secretary has not been able to attend the last three meetings, a new volunteer is needed to fill this dual role. Paul gave the Treasurers report. A bank account has been set up. Those checks in Paul's custody were deposited. It is said that some checks are in the custody of the previous treasurer. Paul will make an effort to get those checks. The balance in the account is $120. It was recommended and approved that the signatures on the account include the President and one Board Member in addition to the Treasurer in order to keep the account and business affairs of the organization moving in the absence of the Treasurer or President. The dues structure is $15 for a 3-year membership. It was affirmed that the cost of a hard copy of repeater coordination is $5. There was a general discussion led by Mark Casey as to the amount of time it takes to get a repeater coordinated. The current 2-meter allocation is full and it will take up to six months to coordinate a machine given this fact. Many factors enter into coordination including cross coordinating with neighboring areas. John, W1AN, the webmaster, stated he is looking for an updated list of coordinated frequencies for the website. Mark will send the needed list to John. John also asked that the meeting minutes be sent to him also for publication on the site. The issue of Long Island repeaters popping up on coordinated 440 frequencies was raised again. Mark asked that documentation of said interference be sent to him for investigation. Bruce Marcus reported that the incorporation papers would be ready by next meeting. Coordination Updates: Mark stated that 2 new coordinations were done this past week. Both are AM repeaters one on 2m and one on 6m. Non coordinated repeaters operating outside the band plan should be reported to an Official Observer (OO) for follow up. New Business: Bruce Marcus reported on the letter from the FCC regarding control operators. This letter involved a Connecticut Machine on 146.64. Bruce responded to the letter to the FCC and got the ARRL to support his position. He stated that the letter was based on a complaint from an anonymous ham that was looking for the control operator of this machine. He was unable to locate one and filed a complaint with the FCC. Bruce stated that most PVRA as well as other machines were on automatic control.It was suggested and approved to invite Brendan Price from the ARRL to our next meeting to discuss the topic of Control Operators. The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday June 3, 2001 at 10am at the Newington AR League Hamfest at the Newington High School. The meeting was closed at 11:45 am. Submitted by: John M. Ahle, W1JMA Vice President