CSMA Meeting Minutes General Membership Sunday September 15, 2002 Paul Gibson, N1TUP, called the meeting to order at 10:10 am. The meeting was held at the Southington ARC. The meeting minutes of the June meeting were read and accepted. Paul stated that the treasury had $461 at this time. The Treasurer's report was accepted. Old Business: John M. Ahle W1JMA discussed the status of the IRS 501c3 application. John was pleased to report that CSMA was deemed a charitable 501c3 organization. John reported that the State had sent paperwork to determine CSMA tax status. There has been no follow up to the Policy and Procedure committee since our last Meeting. The work group will convene before our October meeting. The draft documents will be circulated by Email prior to the meeting. The group decided to apply for NFCC status by the end of this calendar year. Mark stated that we had the necessary number of emitters recognizing CSMA in order to apply. John M. Ahle, W1JMA, stated that CARA was going to activate a 2m repeater on 147.300/900 on 9/28/2002. CARA had applied for this pair last year. After an extensive period of monitoring and review of the ARRL repeater guide, it has been concluded that there are no emitters active on this frequency that would interfere with the CARA operation. Mark will finalize the coordination papers for this frequency. CARA is listed in the ARRL repeater guide for this pair. New Business: Mark, K1MAP, requested Coordination help. Discussion ensued regarding who could be a coordination assistant. It has been determined that any member of CSMA can assist in coordination as long as there is no conflict of interest or they own the emitter in question. Joyce Wruck N1RMA and James KE1AI were appointed Coordination assistants. Both were given coordination's to complete. Nominations were made for the election of officers at the October Meeting. President: Paul Gibson VP: Rod Lane Secy/Treasurer: John M. Ahle, 203 Director: George Howard 860 Director: Dana Underhill Nominations will be accepted at the October meeting before the elections. The October meeting will be held at the Nutmeg Hamfest. No other business discussed the meeting was adjourned at 11:35 am. Respectfully Submitted, John M. Ahle W1JMA Acting Secretary