CSMA General Membership Minutes June 13, 2004 Paul Gibson, N1TUP at 10:05 am at the Newington Hamfest on Sunday June 13, called the meeting to order. The minutes and the Treasurers report was read and accepted. John Ahle, W1JMA, informed the group that he had sent out to areas coordinators the CSMA standards, Bylaws, Database and invitation to sign a memorandum of understanding to recognize CSMA and the Cross Coordinating bodies. To date there has been no response to the memorandum. He did not that UNYREPCO asked for assistance in obtaining their 501c3 status. CSMA has sent information to UNYREPCO to facilitate their obtaining this IRS status. Tom Frenaye was in attendance and there was a discussion about NFCC. There has been no change in its status for the past six months. John Spigel submitted the domain invoice for our website in the amount of $32 for reimbursement. Bruce Marcus discussed the 3/14/04 technical meeting held to discuss various repeater issues. James Delaney discussed activities on 220 coordination. He suggests we have all our forms in PDF format. This issue of form style was discussed and the group agreed to a PDF standard rather than the current text format. After extensive discussion, it was decided to hold another technical meeting on Sunday 7/17/04 at 10am in Southington to discuss the current standards v.1 and other technical issues. John Ahle will distribute to those in attendance the standards that were sent to coordinating bodies. It was decided by those present that the Secretary would be the keeper of the official standards as adopted and modified. The Webmaster will modify the distribution of all applications so the President, band coordinator and Frequency Coordinator are receiving all inquiries. Bruce Marcus made the following motion: All Coordination will go to the board of directors for review and comment before the board votes on coordination. A simple majority of the board will constitute a complete coordination. James WJ1D seconded motion. Upon discussion this motion was tabled till the 7/17 meeting. All existing officers have volunteered to be nominated for another term. There were no nominations from the floor. President: Paul Gibson VP: Rod Lane Secretary/Treasurer: John Ahle Webmaster: John Spigel Bruce informed the group that an uncoordinated 2m machine is operating on 146.79. The meeting was closed at 10:50 am Respectfully submitted, John M. Ahle W1JMA Those in attendance: Paul Gibson n1tup -paul.Gibson @ snet.net James Delaney wj1d -na1ra @ na1ra.com Dana Underhill kb1aev -kb1aev @ cox.net Rod Lane n1fne -laner1 @ cox.net Joe Szczech k1ike -k1ike @ adelphia.net Bruce Marcus n1xg -n1xg @ arrl.net John Spigel w1an -w1an @ ctspectrum.com