CSMA Meeting Minutes 4/24/05 Southington High School, Southington, CT Paul Gibson, N1TUF, called the meeting to order at 10:10 am at the Southington High School. The minutes of the February 27th meeting were read and amended to show the location of the 224.72 repeater to be Milford, CT. The Treasurer’s report was presented via e-mail. The current balance is $1069. Guests from NESMC were in attendance at today’s meeting. They again offered assistance of a Web Page database for tracking coordination activities. John Spiegel will communicate with NESMC offline regarding this offer. Work is continuing on band plans for 902 and 6 meters. 902 has to be completed soon so that we do not hold up coordination’s. Coordination’s in progress are 53.290, 224.72 446.875, 444.500. A new application for coordination was submitted by Mr. Robert Meister for 927.4125 After polling the group, it was decided that the next meeting be scheduled for SATURDAY June 11th at the NARL hamfest, Newington High School at lOam. This meeting was closed at 10:55 am. Submitted, Paul Gibson, N1TUP Acting Note Taker